Why CPR Training Is Essential For Security Guards? [Explained]

Security guards are hired to protect and maintain order. People typically see their uniforms and know the authority they represent. However, protection goes beyond defending a place from criminals and chaos. Security professionals should be trained to potentially save lives as well. Here are a few reasons why CPR certification would be extremely beneficial for security guards.

Preparation For The Unexpected

Security guards are prepared to face physical danger in order to protect their post. They are warned about any threats that could arise while on the job. However, it is just as possible for someone to become sick or injured on their watch. Guards should be able to manage either of these situations with confidence. CPR certification is a tool that can be as important as a security system, baton, or defense training. It allows security guards the opportunity to step up in the face of crisis, instead of feeling helpless.

Efficient Use of Time

In a medical emergency, time is extremely important. Every second that passes can cause more damage to the body. Security guards are present even before first responders. If CPR is needed, trained guards can administer treatment until the ambulance arrives. Security likely witnessed the events leading up to the situation, which means they have a unique perspective. They don’t have asked several questions to get an understanding of what’s going on, and they can also relay this information to medical professionals.

Shows Appreciation and Respect

Besides the potential for saving lives, training security guards to be CPR certified speaks volumes about your business or organization. Of course, a company has a right to make their assets a priority. However, this extra measure shows genuine appreciation for the people who walk through the doors. Not everyone is a threat or someone of whom to be wary. Having security guards who can also perform CPR tells consumers that you care about all levels of safety.

Security guards have a lot of responsibility. Their employers must introduce them to all of the vulnerabilities of their area, and how they can be exploited. This information alone can be overwhelming to most people. While many security guards in San Jose never experience any serious trouble on the job, it is always a possibility. This is why they are trained to handle the worst altercations. However, there is more than one way to offer protection, and people should be given every opportunity for safety.

You can read more about the same chapter here: www.securityguardsanjose.com/why-should-security-guards-have-cpr-training/