5 Essential Security Guard Patrol Tips

When you’re on a security patrol, you want to keep yourself safe and protect your designated area. By following a few key tips, you’ll be able to do both of those more effectively.

1. Get Proficient with Your Gear

You never know when you could need your defensive gear. That gear will depend on the rules of your employer and the laws in your area – maybe you have a handgun, or perhaps you carry pepper spray. Regardless of what you carry, you need to be able to use it in a split-second. Check your gear before your shift to make sure it’s working properly. Practice drawing your gear quickly so you can commit that to your muscle memory.

2. Go Wide with Corners

If someone wants to get the drop on you, they may hide at a corner and wait for you to walk around. The solution to this is to always walk wide when going around a corner. When you’re 10 or 15 feet away from a corner, an assailant can’t be able to jump out and hit you over the head.

3. Randomize Everything

The last thing you want when you’re on a security patrol is to be predictable. Once a criminal knows the route you take and when you take it, your patrol is nearly useless. Switch your patrol frequencies and the routes you take at random so no one knows what you’re going to do.

4. Stay Aware

When you’re walking around for a large portion of your shift, it’s easy to get complacent and lose focus. Every so often, take a moment to stop, look and listen. It’s easier to see and hear things when you’re not moving. Awareness is also crucial when you’re talking to people. Make sure you can always see what’s in their hands and watch for any sudden movements. Torso movement is typically the first giveaway when someone attacks.

5. Pick the Right Shoes

You don’t want your feet getting sore halfway through your shift, as that will affect your concentration, and you definitely don’t want to wear shoes that limit your running ability. Choose a pair that fits well, provide plenty of support and allow for athletic movements.

There’s much more to being an effective security guard, and much of it you need to learn on the job. But following these tips can instantly make you better at your patrols.

Security Guard San Jose provides best security patrol services in San Jose, CA to prevent any damage to your property OR to your company etc. Just to make your place safer.