4 Qualities You Must Possess When Becoming a Security Guard

Security guards are hired to do way more than looking imposing. If you’re interested in becoming a guard, getting the right training is essential for knowing what to expect in different environments, and how to respond to common challenges. According to a reputable security patrol agency in San Jose, following are the five qualities that you must possess when entering this field.

1. Excellent Communication Skills

It’s important to have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in English. People have to be able to understand what you’re saying when you issue directions, instructions, or commands. Good communication in this industry, however, is about far more than enunciating and being proficient in the common language. The best security guards also have the ability to use their voices to make people feel warm and welcome, to establish their authority, and to calm angry people down. They’re even adept in using the right posturing and body language for delivering important messages in tensed or otherwise challenging situations.

2. Deterring Or Preventing Crime Without The Use Of Excessive Force

Most companies want security guards who can blend seamlessly into their work environments, even when deterring crime and diffusing tense situations. This ties heavily into good communications, but it’s also about having the ability to make instinctively smart choices in the heat of the moment. While security guards are hired in part to prevent asset loss, companies want professionals who are capable of limiting and mitigating disruptive activities, rather than causing them. As such, the most desirable applicants are often naturally predisposed to maintaining calm, cool demeanor at all times. Self-preservation under pressure, however, is rarely a learned skill.

3. Good Observation Skills

Security guards also have to be alert and observant. Beyond detecting suspicious activities, these professionals should be quick to identify potential hazards, and able to discern environmental changes that compromise an overall security plan. Good skills of observation allow guards to catch and resolve developing problems before these have any opportunity to spiral out of control. Sadly, much like the ability to maintain a calm demeanor, this is not something that prospective guards can obtain solely from training courses.

4. Accurate Reporting

Accurate reporting is another vital part of this job. Whenever any significant events occur, security guards should have the ability to share accurate accounts of them. This means being able to list the physical attributes of suspicious parties, license plate numbers, vehicle types, and other key details. This ensures that clear and cohesive reports can be submitted to both clients and local law enforcement agencies.

If you are looking to hire security services for your private and corporate events, you can consider turning to individuals of security patrol San Jose for optimum safety and maximum satisfaction.