How to Avoid Car Theft? (Solution Via 8 Result Proven Ways)

There are thousands of cars stolen every day. Don’t give anyone a chance to steal your car in any case. Take a few precautionary measures to keep your car safe and avoid becoming a victim. Here are a few ways you can try every day to prevent thieves from stealing away your car.

1. Choose a Well-Lit Area

The best parking spot to prevent car theft is to find a well-lit area. Thieves will stay away from your car if you park it under garage lights or lamp posts. If you want to park in an unfamiliar area, then banks are the perfect spots. Every bank has security cameras which can keep your car free from vandalism or theft.

2. Stay away from Car Park and Garage Exits

Vandals and thieves will try to steal or damage your car if you park it near the car park or garage. Choose a place with lots of cars in it and park between several cars. Park in such a way that thieves can overlook your car when they are trying to steal one.

3. Lock All the Doors

Even if you feel safe parking in your driveway, don’t forget to lock the doors. Leaving your car unlocked will make it easy for thieves to get in and steal it away. Don’t take any chances when you park your car. Buy an anti-theft car so the thief cannot steal away your car even after breaking the windows.

4. Invest in an Alarm System

If there is no alarm system in your car, then take it to the mechanic and install it immediately. Buy loud alarm which can scare away the thieves if they try to get in your car. There are a few alarm systems which will alert the police if a person tries to get in the car without using car keys. Alarm systems can also deactivate the car’s ignition making it unable to start.

5. Keep Spare Keys Somewhere Else

Avoid putting your spare car keys under the car or beside the wheels. Stealing in a car in this way is easy. Choose a better place to leave your spare car keys. Don’t fill up the trunk with valuables because thieves have a way to open it without setting up the alarm.

6. Never Leave Valuables in Your Car

Even if you are in a hurry, don’t leave your personal and important things in the car. It may include a laptop, wallets, or mobile phones. If you have no option but to leave your things in the car, then don’t put valuables in plain sight. Remove the removable face plate of your stereo whenever you leave your car.

7. Take Your Information with You

The glove box in your car is not safe to put important documents like your insurance papers. Car thieves will check the glove box first after getting into your car. Make sure it doesn’t have any valuables or money in it.

8. Hire Security

If the entire neighborhood is a victim of vandalism and theft, then hire night security in San Jose. Discuss with your every neighbor and hire security to keep your street safe from burglary or car theft. This can allow everyone to sleep in a peaceful environment.