How to Keep Construction Sites Safe

Construction is one of the most dangerous professions and is a hoarder of sudden life-threatening accidents. The employers certainly need to mitigate safety hazard to the workers and the workers, as well, should keep in mind the precautions themselves to prevent such hazardous conditions. Experts of construction site security in San Jose recommend these important tips for the safety of workers and business.

1. Awareness

Regardless of the role and experience level, anyone before setting their foot on a construction site should be fully aware of the possible hazards. Careless workers are truly the biggest threats in any industry because of their unknowing mistakes as they can put everyone at risk. A Proper understanding of menace and sustaining a perpetual state of alertness is a great way to prevent accidents.

2. Training

While most construction skills can be gained on the site, safety is a skill, in which a worker should be trained before getting his hands on building. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published some resources to allow businesses trail their new laborers on standard safety and security methods, including worksheets, pamphlets, visual aids, and finally, on-site training opportunities. Experienced workers should be encouraged to attend regular training sessions on standard safety throughout the years to refresh their knowledge.

3. Communication

Accidents mostly occur when workers are unsure what to expect. Direct communication for daily goals and activities can reduce the chances of sudden physical harm. Construction firms should equip their workers with devices, like smart phones or headsets, to allow fast and efficient communication among the team.

4. Documentation

There are some legal regulations construction companies should go through to start building. It is important to earn all the proper registrations and licenses before starting the business. Supervisors and contractors responsible for particularly difficult tasks, like blasting, should have the certification as an evidence of their employment on the site. This will not just prevent accidents because of improper training, but also protect the construction company from legal action and public scrutiny.

5. Proper Equipment

Construction workers equipped with wrong or improper tools are at a high risk of making life-threatening errors. Each piece of equipment on the site should not just be ideally suited to the task, but the firms should make sure that all the material and machinery are well maintained.

Construction companies should also eliminate any equipment that doesn’t directly belong to the construction project. Have plenty of water on the site and a shady place to prevent workers from dehydration and exposure-related illnesses. Longer construction projects can also benefit from fabric structures to cover incomplete sites and store equipment.

6. Supervision

On-site supervisors can ideally take care of everything related to construction. However, theft can occur at any place, having a trained Hayward armed guard can prevent this issue along with sudden fights, as construction sites have a lot of strong and dangerous tools that can seriously harm anyone. A guard is found to be a visual deterrent to thieves and anyone who thinks of doing an illegal act.

4 Must Know Things to Teach Your Child about Stranger Danger

Stranger Danger

Unfortunately for parents, we live in a dangerous world. While you definitely don’t want to raise your children to be fearful or mistrustful of everyone they meet, it’s difficult to overstate the importance of teaching your kids about stranger danger.

If you are worried about from where to start, here are four things your child and you need to know about stranger danger.

#1: There Are Bad People in the World

Children need to understand that while most people are basically good, there are also people in the world who mean them harm. They don’t need to be scared, but they need to be very vigilant and watch out for specific behaviors if they want to stay safe. Before they can learn anything substantial about stranger danger, they have to understand this reality of life.

#2: Recognizing Suspicious Behavior

When you talk with your children about stranger danger, you need to make sure they understand that a stranger should never do the following things:

  • Ask them to keep secrets or disobey their parents
  • Do anything that makes the child feel uncomfortable
  • Offer them rides in their vehicle, or offer them help when they are not in a situation that requires it

Related Recommended Read:

#3: Reporting the Suspicious Behavior Right Away

It’s important to impress onto children that these bad guys need to be caught right away; as such, when children notice any adult or older person engaging in any of these suspicious or bad behaviors, they need to tell the nearest trusted adult or even an available security guard as soon as they possibly can. Let them know how proud of them you’ll be for their bravery, and for knowing what to do in a tough situation.

#4: Strangers Aren’t All Dangerous

Remind your children that they don’t need to be fearful, but that they need to stay alert for the warning signs, no matter where they are. It’s a tough balance to strike, but it’s ultimately one they need to know for their own safety and for your peace of mind.

Keeping Your Children Safe

By having this important discussion and making sure your children understand these four facts about stranger danger, you can rest a little easier knowing that your children have the proper tools to stay safe.

The Benefits of Security Guards for a Small Business

Whether you run a tiny boutique, a store or a small restaurant in the downtown or uptown, one of the primary goals as the business owner is to ensure the safety of your premises, clients, and employees. The administration of managed security services is an important aspect of facility management. It is important not only in safeguarding the facility but also its profitability and operation. Security services may be outsourced from a service provider or in-house. Here are the benefits of outsourcing security guards from a reliable security company for your small business.

#1: Reduced Crime

The presence of security guards in your premises deters potential criminals from targeting your business. Their presence sends a strong message that the business is ready and willing to respond to any crime. Therefore, potential criminals keep off the facility. Consequently, crime rates are reduced for your small business.

#2: Peace of Mind

Security guards provide increased peace during your working hours. With a team of highly trained and experienced security guards, you do not have to worry about the safety of your property, clients, and employees. They take care of all your security needs. Additionally, guards provide proactive safety and security measures, which gives you peace of mind to focus on other aspects of operating the business.

#3: Surveillance and Monitoring

The vision of most businesses when they hire security guards is to guard doors of their properties or look over large crowds during a special event. However, some security guards are not visible when working since they ensure safety behind the scenes. They regularly view security footage through monitors and cameras. Surveillance and monitoring are essential especially in retail locations where shoplifting is a major concern. Monitoring the facility allows security guards to address any issues right away without making the criminals go away.

#4: Emergency Situation Management

Professional security guards are trained to handle emergency circumstances. They also know how to react to various dangerous situations without creating panic or anxiety like armed robbery. Additionally, security guards are trained for various certifications like legally carrying firearms, handling pepper spray, batons, and providing first-aid care. Consider hiring highly qualified security guards to ensure that you get specialized and useful services so that your business is extra safe.

#5: Improved Customer Service

Security guards can help enhance your customer service. When friendly guards are posted at the front entrance of your business, they serve clients in a welcoming manner. Additionally, they can also answer questions and help customers to enjoy best sales experience. A call to a security company can offer safety and emergency situation management in your business. You can request a background check of the potential security guards to verify their credentials and certifications just to be sure you get the right guards to meet your security needs.

4 Steps Identity Theft Victims Should Take To Protect Themselves

One of the highest rated crime occurring in U.S in the present is  identity theft. A high percentage of Americans have to face the problem of stolen identity. There are several ways to prevent it from happening, but in case an unfortunate incident does occur, then you should take immediate action to protect your personal data and information. Any delay in such cases can result in dire financial consequences. Security experts from the leading providers of professional  Security Guards in San Jose, have put up the list of 4 essential steps to take after you’ve been victimized by an identity theft.

1- Fraud Alert

The very first precautionary measure you should take after you realize that you’ve been a victim of  stolen identity, release a fraud alert for your credit reports. It allows all your creditors and lenders know about the current status of your situation. This prevents anyone from making any transactions in your name. You can place this fraud alert through Experian, Transunion, and Equifax. With this fraud alert in place, the people dealing with you may take some precautionary measure and you may even have to face some difficulty as you may be denied as well, however, it is better to face a little difficulty instead of getting caught up in some major financial and legal problem.

2- Cancel Your Credit Card and Checkbook

When the criminals are after someone’s financial details and information, they steal the identity of that person. The immediate step after your credit card or checkbook  is stolen is to cancel them and inform your credit  card company and bank to place an alert with them.

3- Contact Federal Trade Commission To File A Report

It is extremely important to inform the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about your identity theft. You need to do it by filing a report informing the authorities that your identity has been stolen. You can either do it online or via a phone call. The FTC will guide you how to move further and also clear any confusions and questions that you may have.

4- Social Security Number Protection

A very serious identity theft is that of your Social Security number. If a thief has been able to access it, he or she may try to get your tax refund. On the more serious note, they may also try to gain employment in your name for other more serious criminal purposes including terrorism. You should immediately alert concerned authorities at the Social Security Administration.  .

It is better to be safe than sorry and prevent an unfortunate incident like identity theft by taking precautionary measures, but in case you do become a victim, even with all your precautions, the above given steps should be immediately taken to recover your losses successfully. You can also get in touch with a trusted and reliable security guard company in San Jose.

Why Your Summer Wedding Needs Security Guards

As you plan your summer wedding, you’ll naturally worry about the venue, the flowers, the weather, and even the transportation. However, what you might be forgetting about is the need for security. If you’re wondering why this should even be a consideration, below are just a few of the ways hiring professional Security Guard Services in San Jose can keep your wedding safe. Full article here

Reasons to Invest in a Security Guard

For that extra security, security guards have become a popular investment for gated communities. Security guards not only create a safer environment, but also are trained professionals that discourage any crime from happening within the community. The hiring of security guards is a beneficial investment for the following reasons.

1. Security guards can track visitors

Security guards can monitor anyone who enters and leaves the community. The security guard can also be able to track those who enter the premise and who look suspicious. A security guard can regulate who tries to enter the premise under a bad reason or under a false claim to a family or friend. By hiring a security guard, no one can enter the gated community without permission from either the resident or from the guard. This is a great way to prevent any unwanted intrusion and is a long term investment that prevents any robberies within the community.

2. Security guards can warn people of unexpected visitors

No matter who tries to pass through the gate, the security guard always alerts the resident. Whether the visitor is expected or unexpected, the resident can be prepared to receive the person. There will be no unwanted surprises when investing in a security guard. The resident can even turn away people if they so choose. Through the security guard, all guests who want to enter the gated community must have permission from a resident first. In addition to this, they may also have to sign something that tracks when they enter and when they exit the property.

3. Security guards can be better than technology

Though alarm systems are great, they can often go awry if someone forgets their identification card, key, or even password. With a security guard, they know each resident and can let them in without any questioning. If someone misplaces their identification card and is in a hurry to enter, the security guard will gladly let them in without question. With the security guard, there is more of a communal feeling of someone protecting them rather than just being guarded by technology that can often be broken.

The investment in a security guard has countless benefits such as feeling a sense of protection, having the ability to prevent any crime, as well as guaranteed customer service. Though alarms and gates are great, a security guard can add another factor that makes the gated community all the more safe. As highly trained individuals, security guards can also offer on the spot response rather than having to wait for a response team that could be too late. Guarded with a weapon, any gated community will feel safe and lucky to have a security guard be at the front.

Article Source By Security Guard Companies San Jose

5 Reasons Why it is Important to Hire an Armed Security Guard for Schools

armed security guards

It is not a safe world anymore. Especially for our children. Even the schools are not safe anymore. It does not have to be an international terrorist every time, in fact, it may be a child from the same school who can prove to be a threat. Although some people tend to disagree, but hiring an armed security guard for the schools has become essentially important.

Below are listed 5 important points why every school needs to hire a security guard who is completely armed.

1. Vigilance and Prevention

Hiring security guards for the schools in necessary for not only keeping the serial killers and terrorists away, it is also essential to keep an alert vigilance over the school children as well. Having an armed security guard will also keep the bullies away and they would not dare to harm other children. Other forms of fighting can also prevent by this one step as the guards will be on alert to handle unfortunate situations.

These security guards are also trained to observe children with unusual and depressing behavior. Reporting such behavior early and informing the parents of such children who can pose a threat in the future can prevent many unfortunate incidents.

2.   First Aid and Help

School children are prone to accidents. The presence of security guards will ensure that they are given instant help and taken to the hospital after a fall or an accident in case no one else is around.

3.   Security Back-up

Usually, it is the teachers who can sense or observe the danger compared to the children. In situations like this, some teachers may not know what to do or may lose confidence to take instant actions. However, if an Armed Security Guard San Jose is there, they can always inform him and he can handle the situation expertly.

4.   Thorough Security Screening

Hiring security guards for the essential because they will be able to screen the entrances and also monitor the strangers visiting the school so no one can smuggle anything illegal or a weapon inside the premises. As an added security measure, it is important that the guards check the school children as well. As a security measure, armed security guards will check strangers before allowing them the entrance into the school premises.

5.   Comprehensive Monitoring With Devices

A professionally trained armed security guard is a necessity for today’s schools because they can aptly handle different security devices like CCTV cameras and security alarms. They can also prevent the mishandling of these devices and when needed, they are trained to utilize these tools in the best possible way.

In short, if you have your set of arguments against hiring security guards, especially the armed ones, then you should reconsider. There are more benefits of having armed security nearby compared to an unarmed one. With the violence against children increasing in the whole world, it is better to lay your doubts aside and give them the best security possible. After all, the right decision at the right time can save a lot of lives.