3 Ways to Stay Safe in a Shopping Mall

Shopping is a favorite pastime of many people. It can also be stressful, too. You will probably find yourself carrying all those bags, trying to keep track of your purse or wallet, and having to deal with a coat or jacket in the cooler months. Juggling all of these items can also make you a target for someone to take advantage of the stress and confusion while you try to enjoy your shopping experience. Here are a few ways to stay safe in a shopping mall to make your experience a positive one.

#1 – Protecting Your Personal Possessions

Men should make sure they keep their wallets in the front pocket of their pants or a pocket placed inside of their jackets or coats. Women should make sure their purses are close to their bodies and they should keep their arm over it just to make it a little bit harder for the theft to grab it. Another tactic is to make sure a purse or wallet is located on the side of the body between you and a friend or relative that might be going to the mall with you. Following these steps will ensure that a pickpocket cannot take advantage of a crowd to take your most precious possessions.

 #2 – Lots of Bags

Carrying too many bags can also make you a target for a thief too. To avoid being taken advantage of in this situation, the best thing to do would be to consolidate smaller bags into a few larger ones. Opportunists will be less inclined to go after you because it will be difficult to take a heavy package away from you, and there is an added bonus: if someone tries to take the bag from you, it can be used as protection due to the larger size and weight.

Related & Recommended Read: 5 Strong Reasons for Shopping Malls to have Security Guards

#3 – Coping with Children on the Trip

Many parents do not have a choice but to take their children with them to a shopping mall. There are some safety precautions to take when little ones have to tag along. Once you are inside the mall, take off their jacket or coat if there is a risk of them overheating. Another thing you can do to avoid losing track of your child is to dress him or her in bright, noticeable colors. Be sure to shop with another adult when possible to make sure the second set of eyes can help to keep an eye on the little ones.

These are just a few of the tips to follow when shopping in a mall. There are much more ways to protect yourself, but these methods are essential ones to making sure the experience is a positive one. If the mall has security guards at the door and on each floor, it will surely prevent major chances of theft and will ensure your safety.