The Roles of a Security Guard

Security guards play a different role as compared to law enforcement. They must undertake preventive measures to deter crime and decrease the security risks that the public faces. The roles of a security guard stem from the fact that they have to prevent crime. The following are some of the roles of a security guard;

Be Visible

The most important role of a security guard is to make sure that they are visible. A guard should make sure that they can be clearly seen by people in the area where they are guarding. People are more than likely to reconsider committing a crime if they see a guard. This is because they know that there is a higher chance of being caught. It is easy to understand why visibility helps to prevent the majority of the crimes that take place when a guard is absent. It is for this reason that guard stations are placed at the entrance of a facility, or they can easily be spotted from a distance.

Be Alert

A security guard should be alert and on the lookout for any strange activity. Security guards are required to patrol the area and make sure that everything is okay. Excellent observational skills and heightened senses are essential when on the job because they help to detect the smallest signs of intrusion or harm. It is important for one to be able to tell where a certain smell is coming from or whether someone is trying to open a door slowly. It makes the work easier for the guard and results in the early detection of incidents before they escalate. Vigilance is also crucial because the guard might have to work in an isolated area alone.

Be Vigilant

A guard should be able to assess a situation and act correctly in a timely manner. This is because the job requires one to respond quickly since there are many risks. Each situation requires a different action. Being aware of all of these will lead to a quick resolution.

Make Reports

A security guard is required to make reports after an incident and after their shift ends. The details of the event should be clearly written and conveyed to the supervisor and relevant authorities.

Receive Guests

The security guard is the first person that you encounter when you enter a building or a compound most of the time. The security guard should be able to receive visitors and respond to queries that they might have.

If you are looking for quality security services in San Jose, you can consider hiring security patrol and event security San Jose.

4 Qualities You Must Possess When Becoming a Security Guard

Security guards are hired to do way more than looking imposing. If you’re interested in becoming a guard, getting the right training is essential for knowing what to expect in different environments, and how to respond to common challenges. According to a reputable security patrol agency in San Jose, following are the five qualities that you must possess when entering this field.

1. Excellent Communication Skills

It’s important to have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively in English. People have to be able to understand what you’re saying when you issue directions, instructions, or commands. Good communication in this industry, however, is about far more than enunciating and being proficient in the common language. The best security guards also have the ability to use their voices to make people feel warm and welcome, to establish their authority, and to calm angry people down. They’re even adept in using the right posturing and body language for delivering important messages in tensed or otherwise challenging situations.

2. Deterring Or Preventing Crime Without The Use Of Excessive Force

Most companies want security guards who can blend seamlessly into their work environments, even when deterring crime and diffusing tense situations. This ties heavily into good communications, but it’s also about having the ability to make instinctively smart choices in the heat of the moment. While security guards are hired in part to prevent asset loss, companies want professionals who are capable of limiting and mitigating disruptive activities, rather than causing them. As such, the most desirable applicants are often naturally predisposed to maintaining calm, cool demeanor at all times. Self-preservation under pressure, however, is rarely a learned skill.

3. Good Observation Skills

Security guards also have to be alert and observant. Beyond detecting suspicious activities, these professionals should be quick to identify potential hazards, and able to discern environmental changes that compromise an overall security plan. Good skills of observation allow guards to catch and resolve developing problems before these have any opportunity to spiral out of control. Sadly, much like the ability to maintain a calm demeanor, this is not something that prospective guards can obtain solely from training courses.

4. Accurate Reporting

Accurate reporting is another vital part of this job. Whenever any significant events occur, security guards should have the ability to share accurate accounts of them. This means being able to list the physical attributes of suspicious parties, license plate numbers, vehicle types, and other key details. This ensures that clear and cohesive reports can be submitted to both clients and local law enforcement agencies.

If you are looking to hire security services for your private and corporate events, you can consider turning to individuals of security patrol San Jose for optimum safety and maximum satisfaction.

5 Essential Tips for Setting Booby Traps

The name “booby trap” might sound asinine, (you might be laughing after reading the term “Booby” 😂) but these security devices can warn you to intruders while simultaneously scaring off or injuring whoever or whatever trips the trap. Whether you already have a homemade arsenal or are looking to upgrade, there are some essential tips for setting booby traps.

The main purposes of bobby traps include:

• Frightening, hindering, and demoralizing the enemy
• Tiring the enemy so they drop their defenses
• Supplementing your own firepower to deliver the final blow—if necessary


So how do you make an inexpensive, creative alarm system that stops intruders in their tracks? Check out these 5 tips:

Use What You Have

Anyone who worth their possessions knows how to use whatever is on hand at the time to make their situation more favorable, even if it is only to a degree. Remember, you do not need heaps of materials to rig traps. Some of the simplest designs, like trip wires, snare traps, slow-burning fuses, and corn flour explosives, all utilize simple hardware if any.

Stock the Supplies For When Necessary

Setting up booby traps long before there is any evident danger can actually be rather vulnerable. Stockpiling supplies may lead to premature discovery. Be sure to hide the goods where no one can discover them, and if the supplies are discovered, you want nothing there to show you own it.


Hide booby traps where no one would think to look. The less traditional, the better. Learn colors for environments, lighting, and other cloaking techniques to make the traps inconspicuous.


Think about the qualities of each trap you are setting and for how long the effect takes place. For example, if you set off an explosion, and have a log-swing immediately afterward, you are not going to get much use out of it. Space out the traps for maximum efficacy and damage dealing.

Practice Patience and Alertness

This cannot be prefaced enough. Going from trap-to-trap will tire you out, and you may be detected. Or, getting antsy and firing off a trap in a rush will weaken your defense. Again, this is why supply stocks are great. Stay alert, look out for movements, and keep a level head.

When you have your supplies prepared, a significant amount of stock, and are ready for an intrusion scenario, there is one most important thing to know. That is to practice making traps to know your strengths.

An article by Security Guard San Jose [ The #1 Security Company in San Jose, CA, since 1991 ].

How to Stay Clear of Threats? (Answered Via 9 Simple Ways)

How to Stay Clear of Threats in 9 Simple Ways
A threat can make your life hard and miserable, especially if you are a woman. You should stay vigilant and smart when dealing with such situations. Don’t ignore threats and make your daily life safer to avoid getting hurt by anyone. The following are a few ways for you to protect your life against potential threats.

1. Gauge the Urgency of the Threat

Find out how serious the person is about threatening you. There is a difference between threatening and an attacker ready to hurt you on the spot. Your reaction will reflect the danger and seriousness of the situation.

2. Evaluate the Situation

If the person is standing in front of you and wants to hurt you, then grab a blunt object to defend yourself. Running should be your first priority to avoid injuries or confrontation. Understand the danger you are in, then react according to it.

3. Don’t Argue and Let It Go

A person may threaten you if he or she wants something. If they look desperate and agitated, then give the person what he or she is asking for. When confronted by a group of attackers, target the leader to scare them off. Don’t stand there and wait for things to get worse.

4. Assess the Area

Many parking lots have CCTV cameras to keep the area under surveillance. If you are familiar with the building, then run from the attacker. Use any of the escape routes to avoid getting into any kind of danger.

5. Talk to the Person

Try to sort out the issue if you know the person who is threatening you. If you ignore the person who threatens you, then this may escalate the situation. Sit down with the person in a restaurant or a coffee shop to find a common ground. Make a deal if the person blackmails you for money or ask a favor. Apologize to the person if you want to avoid future threats.

6. How to Deal with Blackmailers?

Consider a blackmail as a threat, even if the person does not speak harsh words. Don’t give in to any threats before considering your every option. If you are capable, then take a firm stand against the person who tries to blackmail you.

7. Tell Someone

Discuss the situation with your friends or colleagues. Involve a senior person such as your teacher, parent, or a coworker. You stand a good chance if people know about the danger you are in. Record the threats if it gets serious and puts your life in danger.

8. Get a Restraining Order

If you feel scared every day from the threats, then try to get a restraining order to feel safer. To get a court order against the person, you need to show proof of the threats to the police. A restraining order means that the person cannot come close to you. This may not end the threats, but allow the person to keep a safe distance from you.

9. Defend Yourself

You should be ready to defend yourself if the person attacks you anywhere. Don’t turn violent if a group confronts and try to hurt you. Violence will not end the problem, but further, add fuel to the fire. Try to remain calm during an intense situation.
If you think your life is in danger, then hire a personal bodyguard in San Jose, CA. Security Guard San Jose provides armed and unarmed security for your protection.

How To Know If Your Business Needs Security?

At times, you may find some reasons to change the security of your business. This may include installing security systems and even hiring a security guard. If you are unaware of the facts why your business needs expert security services, private security San Jose professionals have highlighted some prominent reasons.

1. Access Control System Problems

Maintaining access control systems can be very costly, the system can become an ineffective turnstile. Comparatively, security guards can secure entrances without any problems.

2. Crime and Vandalism in Parking Lots

Parking lots, when unattended, can become a hoarder of vandalism and criminal activities. Having a skilled security guard or patrol in parking lots will keep possession and people safe while checking in or out of the area.

3. Require a Visitation Plan

If you have a lot of visitors and guests on a daily basis, you may need a visitation plan to prevent burglary or related risks. Security company San Jose will take care of the visitation system that monitors people coming and going from your business premises. This is a good way to protect from intellectual and property theft.

4. Want to Control Vendor and Employee Theft

Employee theft is a common problem in the commercial sector of US. Employee dishonesty costs business owners more than 50 billion dollars a year, according to the reports of US Department of Commerce. Having security guard in the premises can prevent employee and vendor theft effectively.

5. Have Higher Levels of Violence Around Business

If you notice increasing rates of crime in your area, you should consider investing in extra security. Having a security guard helps eliminate robberies, vandalism, and other acts of crime.

6. Want to Protect Confidential or Sensitive Information

In today’s time, potentially serious harm can be carried out by corporate espionage. Having a security guard by side can help protect the business from unwanted visitors and deter theft of private and confidential information.

7. Worried About Police Not Responding on Time

The police force in the country is unstaffed and overworked due to cuts in funding. If you are concerned if the police may not respond in time to deal with the emergency situation, having a security guard or patrol on premises can help deter the situation.

8. Want Help for Emergency Situations

Security guards are trained to deal with all sorts of emergencies. When you hire a security guard company, remember that their employees are highly trained to handle all kinds of situations like medical emergencies, physical altercations, etc.

9. Have Employees Working Late

If you have employees who work during late night hours, security guards can provide the protection they need in the premises, they can also walk them to their vehicles, and offer personal protection as well.

10. Concerned for Potential Liability Risk from Robberies

Armed security guards can keep your business safe from robberies. Criminals are less likely to aim businesses that have an armed guard patrolling the region.

If you are facing any of the above-mentioned situations, you can consider consulting private security San Jose professionals to offer you the services you need to keep your business and possessions safe from any criminal activities.

5 Essential Security Guard Patrol Tips

When you’re on a security patrol, you want to keep yourself safe and protect your designated area. By following a few key tips, you’ll be able to do both of those more effectively.

1. Get Proficient with Your Gear

You never know when you could need your defensive gear. That gear will depend on the rules of your employer and the laws in your area – maybe you have a handgun, or perhaps you carry pepper spray. Regardless of what you carry, you need to be able to use it in a split-second. Check your gear before your shift to make sure it’s working properly. Practice drawing your gear quickly so you can commit that to your muscle memory.

2. Go Wide with Corners

If someone wants to get the drop on you, they may hide at a corner and wait for you to walk around. The solution to this is to always walk wide when going around a corner. When you’re 10 or 15 feet away from a corner, an assailant can’t be able to jump out and hit you over the head.

3. Randomize Everything

The last thing you want when you’re on a security patrol is to be predictable. Once a criminal knows the route you take and when you take it, your patrol is nearly useless. Switch your patrol frequencies and the routes you take at random so no one knows what you’re going to do.

4. Stay Aware

When you’re walking around for a large portion of your shift, it’s easy to get complacent and lose focus. Every so often, take a moment to stop, look and listen. It’s easier to see and hear things when you’re not moving. Awareness is also crucial when you’re talking to people. Make sure you can always see what’s in their hands and watch for any sudden movements. Torso movement is typically the first giveaway when someone attacks.

5. Pick the Right Shoes

You don’t want your feet getting sore halfway through your shift, as that will affect your concentration, and you definitely don’t want to wear shoes that limit your running ability. Choose a pair that fits well, provide plenty of support and allow for athletic movements.

There’s much more to being an effective security guard, and much of it you need to learn on the job. But following these tips can instantly make you better at your patrols.

Security Guard San Jose provides best security patrol services in San Jose, CA to prevent any damage to your property OR to your company etc. Just to make your place safer.