5 Tips to Shop Safe Online

There is no greater feeling than shopping from the comfort of your home. Online shopping is better than regular shopping, mainly because contemporary shopping is strenuous and requires a lot of prior preparation for successful execution. Besides, you have to devote your time and energy so as to go on a regular shopping spree. Online shopping has been taken by many with open arms, mainly because it offers convenience to shoppers. However, there are a few pointers you as an online shopper ought to follow so as to ensure that you are engaging in a real transaction, and they are as shown below.

 Make use of a renowned shopping website;
● Never disclose all your personal information during sign up;
● Update your credit card and account passwords regularly;
● Install a reliable antivirus software on your computer; and
● Only use websites with encryption.

Make Use of a Renowned Shopping Website

While starting out on online shopping, it is imperative that you only use famous sites within your geographical area. As a newbie, you ought to refrain from signing up on sites found through search engines, mainly because hackers have been known to make people deviate to their scam sites without necessarily realizing it.

Never Disclose All Your Personal Information During Sign Up

Only give out the necessary details during signup to most of these online shopping accounts. The reason behind this is because there are many tech-savvy people around the world with dishonest means, who frequently prey on people’s information, and use this data to access your bank accounts.

Update Your Credit Card And Account Passwords Regularly

To avoid getting hacked, it is critical that you change all your passwords after every three months. Changing of passwords also applies to email accounts that you might have linked to your online shopping account and credit cards.

Install A Reliable Antivirus Software On Your Computer

Malware is the biggest threat to hacking. All over the internet, there is a significant presence of viruses created mainly to sabotage your computers. For you to be on the safe side, it is imperative that you install a reliable antivirus on your Smartphone or PC.

Only Use Websites with Encryption

Also, it is vital that you make use of websites that have SSL encryption keys. Encryption reduces chances of your computer devices from getting hacked. You can always tell if you’re on an online store that is using SSL encryption by looking at the URL. If it starts with “https” then you are on a website with SSL encryption. Your web browser will provide you with more information about the connection to the website and will let you know if it is safe.

This article has been published by www.securityguardsanjose.com.