How to Defend Yourself Against an Attacker? (8 Remarkable Ways to Defend Yourself)

It is hard for anyone to protect themselves from muggers or attackers. If the robber tries to hurt you for money, then you may end up in a bad situation with no clue what to do. The expert staff of Security Guard San Jose has shared their expert opinion on this subject.

1. Guard Your Face

If a woman finds herself surrounded by an attacker, then do your best to protect your head. Bring both of your arms in front of your face so the attacker can’t break your nose or jaw. You have to become defensive, especially if the attacker has a weapon. Your first priority should be to guard your ribs and face because the attacker will hurt you in many ways.

2. Stand with a Wide Base

Spread your legs to stand in a firm position. Keep your balance when the attacker hits you. If you fall down, then you will make it easy for the attacker to hold you down. The attacker can’t knock you out if you stand upright. Don’t show the attacker your back at any cost.

3. Assess Your Assailant

Observe the attacker and be extra careful if you see a knife or a weapon. If his hands are out, then he will most likely grab you or punch your face. Make sure the attacker doesn’t have a gun so he doesn’t shoot you when trying to run away. The best thing for you is to escape if the attacker has a knife or sharp object.

4. Take the Defensive Posture of Running

Avoid fighting the attacker and find escape routes for yourself to run away. If there is no way of getting out, then stay vigilant and don’t let the attacker dominate you. If the assailant asks for your wallet or purse, then give it to him. The attacker will hurt you if he is desperate for money.

5 .Go for the Eyes and Nose

Finish the fight by blowing a hard punch in the attacker’s face. Strike the attacker as much as you can then run away or call the police. Use anything you can find to hit the mugger if you get trapped in an alley or a room. Hit the attacker with your knees and elbows.

6. Kick Or Grab the Groin of a Male Attacker

If you are a woman and the attacker grabs hold of you, then hit your knees in his groin. When your life is in danger, you have to do anything to protect yourself. If the attackers fall, while grabbing you then do your best to smash your knees on his nose. This will make him senseless and you can have enough time to run away.

7. Hit the Kneecaps

The attacker can strangle you to stay quiet or force you to keep your voice down. In this case, you can hit his kneecaps to make him unstable. This works for attackers who are bigger than you.

8. Follow Up

If the attacker holds you from behind or chokes you, then press your thumbs deep into his eyes. This will make the mugger lose his sight for a short while.

5 Best Forms of Martial Arts for Self Defense

5 Best Martial Arts for Self Defense

A basic knowledge of martial arts goes a long way in keeping you safe from harm. But with several options available, choosing the right technique for self-defense is a major problem. Here are five of the best martial arts recommended by experienced professional San Jose security guards. Learn any one of them, and you can keep all muggers, robbers, and fighters at bay.

Western Boxing

Although not exactly the martial arts you’d expect in Kung Fu movies, western boxing does help you keep your ground against opponents bigger and stronger than you. The fighting style is all about throwing hard, fast and extremely accurate punches.
When mastering western boxing, you’ll get to work on your defense. Blocking is essential in keeping you safe from injuries. However, you won’t be working on your kicks that much. So if hand fighting is your specialty, then boxing is the sport for you.


This modern Japanese martial art is extremely effective in putting up a good defense. The art is all about redirecting your attacker’s moves and energies on to themselves. This means that if someone points a knife at you, Aikido will teach you how to turn their knife on themselves in an instant.

This martial art is all about momentum. It focuses on joint locks and painful submission holds that are powerful enough to immobilize any attacker. However, Aikido is useless if your attacker has basic knowledge of Karate or Tae Kwon Do.


This is one of the most universally accepted forms of self-defense. It requires extensive training. But once you’ve mastered this art, you become a true champion in hard striking, choke hold submissions, joint locks, and eye gouging.
Jiu-Jitsu is a lethal defense art. When you’re disarming your attacker, you need to be careful of your moves. Any hard strike can prove fatal and send you to prison. This martial art also requires years of training. Physical fitness is a must.


Taking traditional boxing to new heights, kickboxing is extremely effective when taking on multiple attackers. This self-defense martial art focuses on punches, kicks, and knees. It trains you how to take on armed muggers too.

Professional kickboxers rely on a technique called “combat qi”, which helps them fight even if they are in excruciating pain. The technique is helpful in strengthening your joints and improving your stamina. Basic kickboxing knowledge is enough to help you keep all armed muggers at bay.


You may recall this fighting style from Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies, as it was used extensively by the Dark Knight throughout the three films. Developed by Andy Norman and Justo Dieguez, Keysi fighting methods combines Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, and kickboxing to create a deadly, yet efficient, martial art.

Keysi Method does not rely on kicks. It focuses on punches and blocks and is useful in close-quarter combat. It teaches you how to use any object as a weapon for self-defense. By focusing on your knees and elbows, you can easily break bones and immobilize your opponent. Keysi method is quick to learn and a full-fledged master course which normally takes up to 6 years.