9 Easy & Affordable Ways To Theft-Proof Your Home (Don’t Miss the 6th One!)

Keeping your home or business safe should always be a priority. Unfortunately, it seems like too many security solutions are more expensive than the average person can afford. Fortunately, there are ten affordable ways for you to prevent theft without going broke.

#1: Use the Security You Have

The cheapest way to prevent theft is to use your existing security. Lock your doors and your windows, and make sure to engage your security system placed by a reputable security company. This will deter most casual criminals and won’t cost you anything.

#2: Put Up a Sign

A security system is expensive. A security system sign, however, is virtually free. This isn’t as good a solution as having actual monitoring, but it can be helpful. Put up a security system sticker to deter crimes of opportunity.

#3: Close Your Garage Door

How well does your garage door close? Is it sealed to the ground? Can it be lifted by hand? Make sure your garage door closes adequately to deny intruders a method of entry.

#4: Use Deadbolts

Deadbolts are pretty simple. They’re not fancy, they’re not electronic, and they’re not hard to use. Deadbolts also stop anyone who isn’t willing to break a window or break down a door.

#5: Get a PO Box

For the price of a couple cups of coffee a week, you can get a post office box. This box will store all of your mail, and help keep you safe from those who watch your mailbox. Never worry about having an overflowing mailbox while you’re out of town when the post office can take care of it for you.

#6: Invest in a Peephole Camera

Thanks to the wonderful world of Wi-Fi you can turn your peephole into a camera. It’s a one-time expense that will pay for itself with your peace of mind.

#7: Turn Off Location Tagging

Turn off the location tagging on your social media. You don’t need to announce to the world where you are, and you can leave criminals in the dark as to whether or not you are at home. Plus, you’ll save on your data plan at the same time.

#8: Turn on a Light

Yes, it costs a bit more if you leave a light on while you’re not home. It does, however, help you to create the illusion that someone is at home even when you’re not. Consider this a small investment in the safety of your home.

#9: Don’t Announce Your Plans

Going out of town? That’s no one’s business but your own. Don’t talk about it loudly in public, and keep your announcements off social media. Criminals strike when they have easy targets, and you don’t need to make their jobs easier for them.

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