4 Things You Need to Know as a Teenager while Being Home Alone (It Will Help!)

If you often stay at home alone then learn basic things to live safe while your parents are away. Not everyone can have 24/7 surveillance or hire private security in San Jose, CA. San Jose families can rely on the expert advice shared by professionals. Here are the top 4 things you need to know as a teenager while staying home alone.

1. Take Responsibility & Act as a Mature Person

If your parents leave you alone at home then it is better to act as an adult and don’t disappoint them. You should look after basic things while at home when your parents are not around. These are the following things you can consider when it comes to responsibility:

• Complete your homework when your parents are not home. Don't skip on things because no one is around to tell you.

• Help your siblings to do breakfast or lunch if your parents leave you in a hurry.

• Clean up after eating or playing and put all the things back where you found them. If you are eating a snack or cereal then, clean up the spills you might have made afterwards.

• Throw the garbage in the trash if it piles up. Put all the dishes and glasses in the sink or dishwasher.

• Try your best to stay out of trouble. Stay alert of your younger siblings and know where they are playing in the house.

• Don't use expensive items in the house. Keep younger siblings away from household hazards. There are many dangers in the house like turning on the stove or spilling chemical cleaner in the house.

2. Stay Alert at All Times

Observe any unusual activity around your house and stay alert. Notice if something seems off especially when your parents aren’t around. Don’t freak out if you hear a cat jumping or the wind shutting down the door. Avoid putting on your headphones which can be easy for burglars to enter the house. Stay awake and alert enough to notice anything strange. Call emergency or your parents if something doesn’t seem right. If it is hard for you to focus without music then listen to music on a speaker instead of headphones.

3. Learn What to Do in Case of Injury or Illness

Sometimes you might scrape your arm or knee when playing with your siblings. You may cut yourself during your science project or while climbing the tree. Your younger siblings may get sick and it is better to know a thing or two about the common illness. Remember the things you have learned in the first-aid class or babysitting course. If you haven’t taken any class, then learn a few things to know how to treat minor injuries and serious injuries. Learn how to do CPR in case of an emergency. Ask your parents to teach you things about safety or search online for tips on how to stay safe alone.

4. Always Make Plans If a Stranger Tries to Hurt You

You don’t know who might turn out as a bad person and hurt you. If you are in a difficult situation then know how to react and keep yourself safe from harm. One of the biggest things to know is that no one has the right to touch you even if he or she is someone you might know. Don’t go anywhere with a stranger especially if you are a girl. Remain calm and sensible at all the times. Your life is the most important thing in your life not your phone or money for that matter. Call 911 or emergency services as soon as you find something shady. Do not let anyone enter your house when your parents are not at home even the cable guy.

Learn a few self-defense techniques in case you need to put up a fight if someone attacks you. – Related Read: Self Defense Tips Every Young Child Should Know .

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