4 Must Know Things to Teach Your Child about Stranger Danger

Stranger Danger

Unfortunately for parents, we live in a dangerous world. While you definitely don’t want to raise your children to be fearful or mistrustful of everyone they meet, it’s difficult to overstate the importance of teaching your kids about stranger danger.

If you are worried about from where to start, here are four things your child and you need to know about stranger danger.

#1: There Are Bad People in the World

Children need to understand that while most people are basically good, there are also people in the world who mean them harm. They don’t need to be scared, but they need to be very vigilant and watch out for specific behaviors if they want to stay safe. Before they can learn anything substantial about stranger danger, they have to understand this reality of life.

#2: Recognizing Suspicious Behavior

When you talk with your children about stranger danger, you need to make sure they understand that a stranger should never do the following things:

  • Ask them to keep secrets or disobey their parents
  • Do anything that makes the child feel uncomfortable
  • Offer them rides in their vehicle, or offer them help when they are not in a situation that requires it

Related Recommended Read: www.securityguardsanjose.com/how-to-keep-your-child-safe-from-predators/

#3: Reporting the Suspicious Behavior Right Away

It’s important to impress onto children that these bad guys need to be caught right away; as such, when children notice any adult or older person engaging in any of these suspicious or bad behaviors, they need to tell the nearest trusted adult or even an available security guard as soon as they possibly can. Let them know how proud of them you’ll be for their bravery, and for knowing what to do in a tough situation.

#4: Strangers Aren’t All Dangerous

Remind your children that they don’t need to be fearful, but that they need to stay alert for the warning signs, no matter where they are. It’s a tough balance to strike, but it’s ultimately one they need to know for their own safety and for your peace of mind.

Keeping Your Children Safe

By having this important discussion and making sure your children understand these four facts about stranger danger, you can rest a little easier knowing that your children have the proper tools to stay safe.

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