9 Easy & Affordable Ways To Theft-Proof Your Home (Don’t Miss the 6th One!)

Keeping your home or business safe should always be a priority. Unfortunately, it seems like too many security solutions are more expensive than the average person can afford. Fortunately, there are ten affordable ways for you to prevent theft without going broke.

#1: Use the Security You Have

The cheapest way to prevent theft is to use your existing security. Lock your doors and your windows, and make sure to engage your security system placed by a reputable security company. This will deter most casual criminals and won’t cost you anything.

#2: Put Up a Sign

A security system is expensive. A security system sign, however, is virtually free. This isn’t as good a solution as having actual monitoring, but it can be helpful. Put up a security system sticker to deter crimes of opportunity.

#3: Close Your Garage Door

How well does your garage door close? Is it sealed to the ground? Can it be lifted by hand? Make sure your garage door closes adequately to deny intruders a method of entry.

#4: Use Deadbolts

Deadbolts are pretty simple. They’re not fancy, they’re not electronic, and they’re not hard to use. Deadbolts also stop anyone who isn’t willing to break a window or break down a door.

#5: Get a PO Box

For the price of a couple cups of coffee a week, you can get a post office box. This box will store all of your mail, and help keep you safe from those who watch your mailbox. Never worry about having an overflowing mailbox while you’re out of town when the post office can take care of it for you.

#6: Invest in a Peephole Camera

Thanks to the wonderful world of Wi-Fi you can turn your peephole into a camera. It’s a one-time expense that will pay for itself with your peace of mind.

#7: Turn Off Location Tagging

Turn off the location tagging on your social media. You don’t need to announce to the world where you are, and you can leave criminals in the dark as to whether or not you are at home. Plus, you’ll save on your data plan at the same time.

#8: Turn on a Light

Yes, it costs a bit more if you leave a light on while you’re not home. It does, however, help you to create the illusion that someone is at home even when you’re not. Consider this a small investment in the safety of your home.

#9: Don’t Announce Your Plans

Going out of town? That’s no one’s business but your own. Don’t talk about it loudly in public, and keep your announcements off social media. Criminals strike when they have easy targets, and you don’t need to make their jobs easier for them.

4 Things You Need to Know as a Teenager while Being Home Alone (It Will Help!)

If you often stay at home alone then learn basic things to live safe while your parents are away. Not everyone can have 24/7 surveillance or hire private security in San Jose, CA. San Jose families can rely on the expert advice shared by professionals. Here are the top 4 things you need to know as a teenager while staying home alone.

1. Take Responsibility & Act as a Mature Person

If your parents leave you alone at home then it is better to act as an adult and don’t disappoint them. You should look after basic things while at home when your parents are not around. These are the following things you can consider when it comes to responsibility:

• Complete your homework when your parents are not home. Don't skip on things because no one is around to tell you.

• Help your siblings to do breakfast or lunch if your parents leave you in a hurry.

• Clean up after eating or playing and put all the things back where you found them. If you are eating a snack or cereal then, clean up the spills you might have made afterwards.

• Throw the garbage in the trash if it piles up. Put all the dishes and glasses in the sink or dishwasher.

• Try your best to stay out of trouble. Stay alert of your younger siblings and know where they are playing in the house.

• Don't use expensive items in the house. Keep younger siblings away from household hazards. There are many dangers in the house like turning on the stove or spilling chemical cleaner in the house.

2. Stay Alert at All Times

Observe any unusual activity around your house and stay alert. Notice if something seems off especially when your parents aren’t around. Don’t freak out if you hear a cat jumping or the wind shutting down the door. Avoid putting on your headphones which can be easy for burglars to enter the house. Stay awake and alert enough to notice anything strange. Call emergency or your parents if something doesn’t seem right. If it is hard for you to focus without music then listen to music on a speaker instead of headphones.

3. Learn What to Do in Case of Injury or Illness

Sometimes you might scrape your arm or knee when playing with your siblings. You may cut yourself during your science project or while climbing the tree. Your younger siblings may get sick and it is better to know a thing or two about the common illness. Remember the things you have learned in the first-aid class or babysitting course. If you haven’t taken any class, then learn a few things to know how to treat minor injuries and serious injuries. Learn how to do CPR in case of an emergency. Ask your parents to teach you things about safety or search online for tips on how to stay safe alone.

4. Always Make Plans If a Stranger Tries to Hurt You

You don’t know who might turn out as a bad person and hurt you. If you are in a difficult situation then know how to react and keep yourself safe from harm. One of the biggest things to know is that no one has the right to touch you even if he or she is someone you might know. Don’t go anywhere with a stranger especially if you are a girl. Remain calm and sensible at all the times. Your life is the most important thing in your life not your phone or money for that matter. Call 911 or emergency services as soon as you find something shady. Do not let anyone enter your house when your parents are not at home even the cable guy.

Learn a few self-defense techniques in case you need to put up a fight if someone attacks you. – Related Read: Self Defense Tips Every Young Child Should Know .

4 Must Know Things to Teach Your Child about Stranger Danger

Stranger Danger

Unfortunately for parents, we live in a dangerous world. While you definitely don’t want to raise your children to be fearful or mistrustful of everyone they meet, it’s difficult to overstate the importance of teaching your kids about stranger danger.

If you are worried about from where to start, here are four things your child and you need to know about stranger danger.

#1: There Are Bad People in the World

Children need to understand that while most people are basically good, there are also people in the world who mean them harm. They don’t need to be scared, but they need to be very vigilant and watch out for specific behaviors if they want to stay safe. Before they can learn anything substantial about stranger danger, they have to understand this reality of life.

#2: Recognizing Suspicious Behavior

When you talk with your children about stranger danger, you need to make sure they understand that a stranger should never do the following things:

  • Ask them to keep secrets or disobey their parents
  • Do anything that makes the child feel uncomfortable
  • Offer them rides in their vehicle, or offer them help when they are not in a situation that requires it

Related Recommended Read: www.securityguardsanjose.com/how-to-keep-your-child-safe-from-predators/

#3: Reporting the Suspicious Behavior Right Away

It’s important to impress onto children that these bad guys need to be caught right away; as such, when children notice any adult or older person engaging in any of these suspicious or bad behaviors, they need to tell the nearest trusted adult or even an available security guard as soon as they possibly can. Let them know how proud of them you’ll be for their bravery, and for knowing what to do in a tough situation.

#4: Strangers Aren’t All Dangerous

Remind your children that they don’t need to be fearful, but that they need to stay alert for the warning signs, no matter where they are. It’s a tough balance to strike, but it’s ultimately one they need to know for their own safety and for your peace of mind.

Keeping Your Children Safe

By having this important discussion and making sure your children understand these four facts about stranger danger, you can rest a little easier knowing that your children have the proper tools to stay safe.

5 Corporate Crimes Security Professionals can Deter

Effective corporate security can be done by proper risk management, protection, and prevention. In this regard, security guards can play a significant part in preventing certain crimes from occurring. The corporate world, due to its complexity and economic importance, is often influenced by crimes that can be considerably reduced or totally avoided by hiring professional corporate security San Jose. Here are 5 crimes that specifically corporate security professionals can help prevent.

1. Vandalism

In today’s time, uncertainty and deep ideological division are widespread. Due to this, the rate of political protests in the US is escalating and corporate interests are frequently being targeted. From years, activists opposed to free trade and globalization has targeted key brands with vandalism and demolition of assets. Nowadays, anti-globalization protesters have associated with forces with other radicals against political status quo. While such groups have a reputation to vandalize, they usually target something that is not guarded by security professionals.

2. Corporate Espionage

Trained security guards can deter potential corporate espionage situations simply by their presence and observation. Janitorial staff members sometimes act suspiciously like food and beverage delivery persons who insist on entering the building or journalists who some unannounced and demand to speak with someone are just a couple examples of circumstances that may cause corporate espionage. Professional guards are trained to prohibit access to suspicious people, notify the management, and help with law enforcement investigations.

3. Fraudulent Insurance Claims

It is commonly known that US corporations are required to hold liability policies to provide millions of dollars in coverage. However, fraudsters and scam artists know this corporate requirement very well that they often take to their advantage. Slips and falls and fabricated parking lot accidents are two of the most common liability claims. When uniformed security guards are present and patrolling the area, such fraudsters get dissuaded. Even when the claims are filed in court, statements by the security present at that time can help dismiss lawsuits.

4. Fraud

Potentially fraudulent situations are investigated and prevented according to observations of trained security guards. For instance, IT staff working to install networking equipment in an unauthorized area, workers requesting constantly for new ID badges as a replacement for the lost ones, and visitors or unknown people were seen taking photos of the office interiors and documents with their phones.

5. Sabotage

Fanaticism, ideology, and radical thoughts against corporate brands are a part of this world. Radicals and hacktivists may take action against corporations with the help of insiders. However, sabotages can be deterred simply by the presence and surveillance carried out by a professional, uniformed security guard trained in identifying such threats.

If you are a business owner in San Jose, CA receiving threats or worried that if your employees may cause you and your business serious long-term harm, you can count on Corporate Security San Jose Professionals to take care of the safety, protection, and preservation of your business and assets while also identifying suspicious individuals in and outside of the business premises.

5 Common Ways by Which Personal Bodyguards Protect Their Clients

The role of a bodyguard is exclusive in protecting the people during events, appearances, and daily living. Many other types of security guards react to situations as they happen, but the primary responsibility of a personal bodyguard is to prevent threats and situation to keep the client safe. Although a personal bodyguard’s duties may vary according to each new assignment, the below mentioned are just a common few tasks private security San Jose experts perform along with the major ones that often involves dangerous scenarios.

1. Appear as a Visible Deterrent

In general, a bodyguard may never have to implement physical force to keep the client safe. This happens because the simple presence of a guard outside a building or walking next to a high-profile executive or a celebrity is all it takes to prevent criminal activity. As bodyguards are highly trained in when and how to use body language and verbal commands to calm the situation, many possible threats are deterred before theft or personal injury is about to occur.

2. Respond Quickly to a Crisis

A personal bodyguard needs more than just the brawn to perform duties effectively. It also involves quick observation to react appropriately and get the client to safety at alarming situations. They know the importance of being prepared in situations from being followed by a car to evacuating a building on fire. Responding properly during altering situations is one of the paramount tasks bodyguards execute when protecting their client.

3. Observe and Report Events

When people are too busy to be fully aware of their surrounding, they hire bodyguards. This is the reason bodyguards are frequently observing everything happening around the individual and take detailed mental notes that may be of potential use for guarding their client. After the incident, they are called upon to exactly report what happened at that time.

4. Communicate with Related Parties

The media often represent the bodyguard as being all about strength and strong muscular body. However, armed security guard San Jose should also have the capability to seamlessly blend into the client’s lives. Depending on their assignment, they may be required to welcome guests at the client’s home or office, walk them to the right meeting room, send emails or answer to phone calls. All these jobs require them to be completely professional in every situation.

5. Plan and Execute Safety Strategies

Preventing a risky situation is better than reacting to it, this is why personal bodyguards take safety assessments of their client’s home, office, and other places he or she often goes. They also advise safety protocols to the client and explain the circumstances that may possibly occur if they ignore the protocol. They also work hard to prevent unforeseen events in the place to avoid anything that threatens client’s safety.

If you are looking for professional and affordable personal bodyguard services, consider reaching out to private security San Jose for optimum level of protection by armed and unarmed security professionals.

How to Defend Yourself Against an Attacker? (8 Remarkable Ways to Defend Yourself)

It is hard for anyone to protect themselves from muggers or attackers. If the robber tries to hurt you for money, then you may end up in a bad situation with no clue what to do. The expert staff of Security Guard San Jose has shared their expert opinion on this subject.

1. Guard Your Face

If a woman finds herself surrounded by an attacker, then do your best to protect your head. Bring both of your arms in front of your face so the attacker can’t break your nose or jaw. You have to become defensive, especially if the attacker has a weapon. Your first priority should be to guard your ribs and face because the attacker will hurt you in many ways.

2. Stand with a Wide Base

Spread your legs to stand in a firm position. Keep your balance when the attacker hits you. If you fall down, then you will make it easy for the attacker to hold you down. The attacker can’t knock you out if you stand upright. Don’t show the attacker your back at any cost.

3. Assess Your Assailant

Observe the attacker and be extra careful if you see a knife or a weapon. If his hands are out, then he will most likely grab you or punch your face. Make sure the attacker doesn’t have a gun so he doesn’t shoot you when trying to run away. The best thing for you is to escape if the attacker has a knife or sharp object.

4. Take the Defensive Posture of Running

Avoid fighting the attacker and find escape routes for yourself to run away. If there is no way of getting out, then stay vigilant and don’t let the attacker dominate you. If the assailant asks for your wallet or purse, then give it to him. The attacker will hurt you if he is desperate for money.

5 .Go for the Eyes and Nose

Finish the fight by blowing a hard punch in the attacker’s face. Strike the attacker as much as you can then run away or call the police. Use anything you can find to hit the mugger if you get trapped in an alley or a room. Hit the attacker with your knees and elbows.

6. Kick Or Grab the Groin of a Male Attacker

If you are a woman and the attacker grabs hold of you, then hit your knees in his groin. When your life is in danger, you have to do anything to protect yourself. If the attackers fall, while grabbing you then do your best to smash your knees on his nose. This will make him senseless and you can have enough time to run away.

7. Hit the Kneecaps

The attacker can strangle you to stay quiet or force you to keep your voice down. In this case, you can hit his kneecaps to make him unstable. This works for attackers who are bigger than you.

8. Follow Up

If the attacker holds you from behind or chokes you, then press your thumbs deep into his eyes. This will make the mugger lose his sight for a short while.