5 Steps for Beginners to Become a Security Guard

A security guard is a person who keeps people or a property safe from any type of illegal activity and theft. If you want to become a security guard then you need to stay focused for as many hours as you can. A security guard looks out for unusual or criminal activity and must take stern steps. Here are 5 steps you can take to become a reputable security guard.

1. The Smallest Age to Be a Security Guard Is at Least 18 Years

You must be 18 years old before becoming a security guard in San Jose. San Jose requires you to be 18 years old, but the age rule may differ depending on your country or state. There are two types of security guards, one with guns and the others without it. If you want to become an armed security guard then you should 21 years old to have a license to carry firearms.

2. Make Sure You Have a Clean Record with No Criminal History

After you submit an application to be a security guard, the officials will do a background check. To move forward, you must have a clean record with no history of violent behavior. You may need to take a drug test to check for any addiction. But, if you want to be an armed security guard, then the evaluation process becomes even tougher. Every state has different criteria for background checking and evaluation process.

3. You Need a High School Diploma

All you need is a high school diploma to be able to qualify to become a security guard in almost every state. A few security guard companies prefer to hire people with a two-year degree in criminal justice. Having a police science degree to be a security guard is not necessary. But, if you have a background in any respective fields then you can stand out from the rest of the candidates. If you want to work in a casino or a luxurious hotel then you need a bachelor’s degree in justice or police sciences.

4. A Driver’s License can make you a Desirable Candidate

It is not mandatory for you to have a driver’s license. If you have any problem in driving or doesn’t own a vehicle then it does not have a bad reflection. For instance, you don’t need a driver’s license if you want to commute or while on the job. But, if you have a driver’s license then can it can make you a more desirable candidate. Having a driver’s license can open many different opportunities for you. You can get a driver’s license before submitting an application for a security guard. A driver’s license is necessary if you want to become an armored car guard.

5. Follow All the Requirements of Your Respective State

There are different requirements for different states to become a security guard. Check the requirements in your state before applying for a position to move forward. If you live in Texas or New York then you need training at an approved training center.

If you’re in San Jose, CA, and you’re looking to hire some security for yourself or your company, Hire the guards from Security Guards San Jose; one of the best security companies in San Jose, California without a doubt.

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