5 Best Forms of Martial Arts for Self Defense

5 Best Martial Arts for Self Defense

A basic knowledge of martial arts goes a long way in keeping you safe from harm. But with several options available, choosing the right technique for self-defense is a major problem. Here are five of the best martial arts recommended by experienced professional San Jose security guards. Learn any one of them, and you can keep all muggers, robbers, and fighters at bay.

Western Boxing

Although not exactly the martial arts you’d expect in Kung Fu movies, western boxing does help you keep your ground against opponents bigger and stronger than you. The fighting style is all about throwing hard, fast and extremely accurate punches.
When mastering western boxing, you’ll get to work on your defense. Blocking is essential in keeping you safe from injuries. However, you won’t be working on your kicks that much. So if hand fighting is your specialty, then boxing is the sport for you.


This modern Japanese martial art is extremely effective in putting up a good defense. The art is all about redirecting your attacker’s moves and energies on to themselves. This means that if someone points a knife at you, Aikido will teach you how to turn their knife on themselves in an instant.

This martial art is all about momentum. It focuses on joint locks and painful submission holds that are powerful enough to immobilize any attacker. However, Aikido is useless if your attacker has basic knowledge of Karate or Tae Kwon Do.


This is one of the most universally accepted forms of self-defense. It requires extensive training. But once you’ve mastered this art, you become a true champion in hard striking, choke hold submissions, joint locks, and eye gouging.
Jiu-Jitsu is a lethal defense art. When you’re disarming your attacker, you need to be careful of your moves. Any hard strike can prove fatal and send you to prison. This martial art also requires years of training. Physical fitness is a must.


Taking traditional boxing to new heights, kickboxing is extremely effective when taking on multiple attackers. This self-defense martial art focuses on punches, kicks, and knees. It trains you how to take on armed muggers too.

Professional kickboxers rely on a technique called “combat qi”, which helps them fight even if they are in excruciating pain. The technique is helpful in strengthening your joints and improving your stamina. Basic kickboxing knowledge is enough to help you keep all armed muggers at bay.


You may recall this fighting style from Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies, as it was used extensively by the Dark Knight throughout the three films. Developed by Andy Norman and Justo Dieguez, Keysi fighting methods combines Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, and kickboxing to create a deadly, yet efficient, martial art.

Keysi Method does not rely on kicks. It focuses on punches and blocks and is useful in close-quarter combat. It teaches you how to use any object as a weapon for self-defense. By focusing on your knees and elbows, you can easily break bones and immobilize your opponent. Keysi method is quick to learn and a full-fledged master course which normally takes up to 6 years.

10 Cyber Security Trends To Watch Out For in 2017!

10 Cyber Security 🔒 Trends 📈 to Lookout for in 2017


2016 was a happening year in cyber space. Breaches at Tesco Bank and Ashley Bank exposed major fallacies in global internet security initiatives and how hackers and malware are getting smarter. Expert professional security guards predict 2017 to be another year full of opportunities and challenges for online security companies. Here’s what we can expect.

Better Regulations

Cyber security is a dynamic and fast-moving industry. Regulations of internet security, on the other hand, are slow and clumsy and are failing to keep businesses safe. For the next year, one can hope for better security regulations and initiatives that will keep intruders at bay.

More Demand for Professionals

Due to a global shortage of skilled professionals at the workplace, many organizations fall prey to online security breaches and attacks. As a result, the demand for experienced professionals will rise. Companies may spend more resources in staff training, in order to stay safe from cyber attacks.

Data Theft May Turn to Data Manipulation

Until a few years back, data theft was simple and straightforward. With the rise in social media marketing, data thieves in 2017 may change their methods and focus more on attacking data integrity, rather than the data itself. This can cause serious reputational damage to the company and they may need to consider investing in online reputation management.

Internet of Things (IoT) Debacle

The new generation of AI (Artificial intelligence) may be “creative” enough to mimic the behavior of several security tools and fool even the most skilled professionals. For 2017, you need to be aware of several bespoke phishing campaigns that may compromise your confidential business data.

You Should Also Read: 7 Common Breaches of Security to Get Away From

Attackers Will Get Bolder

As internet functioning will change, so will the attackers’ approach. They may become bolder and much more organized in their efforts. They may be operating in jurisdictions with weak cyber security enforcements. If you get a call from some unknown company asking for your credit card details, it’s a red flag.

Consumer Devices May be at Risk

As more and more people are becoming tech-savvy and the sale of smart phones is rising, consumer devices face security threats. This means that consumers may be targeted across a wide range of connected objects.

Breaches will Become Complicated

Cyber criminals will explore new and improved ways to engineer their malicious activities. They will use different variants of ransomware for the job.

Smarter Hackers

2017 hackers have the capability to create bespoke targeted codes that will only improve in efficiency with the passage of time. They may use Deep Web to communicate with other hackers and make it difficult to be traced.

New Job Titles

Until yesterday, companies had a CEO, CFO, and a COO. In this year, you can expect a new designation called Chief Cybercrime Officer (CCO). The role of this individual will be to protect an organization’s virtual database from attacks and malware. If you have experience in cyber security, then this position may be yours for the taking.

Demand for Cyber Insurance will Rise

Investing in cyber insurance will become crucial in 2017, especially for online businesses. This insurance will be a part of an organization’s operational risk strategy. However, insurance industries will have to create customized premium plans to suit the needs of different sectors.

Small Businesses Can Secure their Data via 5 Helpful Steps

A 5-Step Data Security 🔒 Plan for a Small Business

For small businesses and new start-ups, investing in data security is a crucial strategy. Such businesses face a variety of data risks. For any successful security plan, data security strategies are only effective if they are well-thought out and properly planned. Here is a five-step security plan that small business owners can consider.

Step 1- Risk Assessment

The first step is to identify your confidential information assets. These include your computers, servers, hard drives, online storage space, flash drives, phones and fax machines. As a rule of thumb, if any of your written/electronic documents contain the name of your client(s) and their address, they are important information assets.

Once your data assets are identified, the next step is a risk assessment. This involves classifying all assets or classes of assets into low, medium and high-risk assets. Determine their vulnerability and susceptibility to losses. You may consider consulting an expert for this job.

Step 2- Network Controls

Once you’ve secured your assets, the next step is to secure your network and invest in physical controls. Make it mandatory for your employees to change their password periodically. Bifurcate duties and responsibilities and give access to confidential information based on their seniority and job role.

Setup time cards for your employees, to record their time-in and time-out. Establish a clear desk and clear screen policy for all employees. If you’ve kept your network servers on your company’s premises, make sure that they are encrypted.

Step 3- Computer Security

Encryption is one the cheapest ways to secure your computer data. Encrypt all your work computers, laptops, and flash drives. Consider message locking techniques to encrypt your emails. Make sure that you have fully functioning and updated antivirus and firewall installed in all your office computers.

If you’re running an e-commerce business or any other company that requires your customers’ credit card information, you need to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This will keep their credit card information safe at all times.

Step 4: Document Controls

Once your online information is secure, you will have to keep your written documents safe as well. If sensitive business documents are to be trashed, make sure to shred them first. Allocate different filing cabinets for different types of documents (e.g. all material requisition forms go in one cabinet and paid customer receipts in another).

Keep your filing cabinets locked at all times. Allow only your senior key personnel to access these documents. Keep the keys to these filing cabinets in a safe location, accessible only by authorized personnel.

Step 5: General Security

Before hiring employees, do some background checks and look for past criminal record. Check their professional and personal references, before hiring. Once your security system has been set up, consider getting a periodic third party review.

Establish visitor policies for your office. Make sure that your visitors fill out the front desk register at the time of entering and leaving your office. Maintain a system for logging any security incidents on your business premises. Have a meeting with your security team or consultants on a regular basis on how to improve your business security. Make up an Emergency Response Plan for all possible situations.

An article by Security Guard San Jose. [ The Best Security Guard Provider Company in San Jose, CA ].