Reasons to Hire Armed Security Guard To Protect Your House

Security: When is it Enough?

Often, when we think about home security, we picture cameras, locks, fences and gates, motion-triggered lighting, alarms, weapon, and maybe even a guard dog with keen sense of danger. However, a home that’s known to contain highly sensitive and valuable assets; is prone to attack from cunning criminals that can work their way around these barriers to intrusion. Living close to armed neighbors or police isn’t always reliable either, especially if your home is secluded and out of sight to those beyond your perimeter. What do you turn to when security raises concern?

It’s easy enough to feel sure of oneself that nothing will happen. Intruders aren’t your only concern, though — a fire can break out, wires may become exposed, a gas leak may emerge, and other hazards may present themselves in time. But a home is a place to relax and collect yourself. You can’t be expected to always keep your guard up in a place where you’re meant to be comfortable. There’s an often overlooked option worth considering, however: a Security Guard.

Advantages of an Armed Guard

It’s hard to deny the intelligence of the human algorithm, especially when it’s equipped with a trained guard who’s outfitted with an armamentarium load-out chosen specifically to protect a property and its occupants. Humans are aware of vulnerabilities that computers are not, and a lot of that owes to every one of us having a home of our own. Guards can think the way a criminal would, accounting for time of day, local events, points of entry, potential vulnerabilities, and so on. They can do the job of cameras, spotlights, alarms, a guard dog and a loaded weapon — all in one intelligent package.

Armed Security Guards San Jose can also spot potential hazards or problems that require attention, such as damage to your property, gas and water leaks, signs of vandalism, and so forth. This may prove not only financially sane, but more efficient overall. Of course, the aforementioned repertoire of security options is by no means counterproductive to a guard’s job — in many ways, they can enhance it.

It’s important to remember that all equipment has a chance to fail. Cameras and alarms could quit without your awareness; spotlights could falter at just the wrong moment. Even the dog has to sleep sometimes and so do you. But when there’s so much you can’t afford to give up, a guard will never let you down.