4 Steps Identity Theft Victims Should Take To Protect Themselves

One of the highest rated crime occurring in U.S in the present is  identity theft. A high percentage of Americans have to face the problem of stolen identity. There are several ways to prevent it from happening, but in case an unfortunate incident does occur, then you should take immediate action to protect your personal data and information. Any delay in such cases can result in dire financial consequences. Security experts from the leading providers of professional  Security Guards in San Jose, have put up the list of 4 essential steps to take after you’ve been victimized by an identity theft.

1- Fraud Alert

The very first precautionary measure you should take after you realize that you’ve been a victim of  stolen identity, release a fraud alert for your credit reports. It allows all your creditors and lenders know about the current status of your situation. This prevents anyone from making any transactions in your name. You can place this fraud alert through Experian, Transunion, and Equifax. With this fraud alert in place, the people dealing with you may take some precautionary measure and you may even have to face some difficulty as you may be denied as well, however, it is better to face a little difficulty instead of getting caught up in some major financial and legal problem.

2- Cancel Your Credit Card and Checkbook

When the criminals are after someone’s financial details and information, they steal the identity of that person. The immediate step after your credit card or checkbook  is stolen is to cancel them and inform your credit  card company and bank to place an alert with them.

3- Contact Federal Trade Commission To File A Report

It is extremely important to inform the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about your identity theft. You need to do it by filing a report informing the authorities that your identity has been stolen. You can either do it online or via a phone call. The FTC will guide you how to move further and also clear any confusions and questions that you may have.

4- Social Security Number Protection

A very serious identity theft is that of your Social Security number. If a thief has been able to access it, he or she may try to get your tax refund. On the more serious note, they may also try to gain employment in your name for other more serious criminal purposes including terrorism. You should immediately alert concerned authorities at the Social Security Administration.  .

It is better to be safe than sorry and prevent an unfortunate incident like identity theft by taking precautionary measures, but in case you do become a victim, even with all your precautions, the above given steps should be immediately taken to recover your losses successfully. You can also get in touch with a trusted and reliable security guard company in San Jose.