5 Reasons Why it is Important to Hire an Armed Security Guard for Schools

armed security guards

It is not a safe world anymore. Especially for our children. Even the schools are not safe anymore. It does not have to be an international terrorist every time, in fact, it may be a child from the same school who can prove to be a threat. Although some people tend to disagree, but hiring an armed security guard for the schools has become essentially important.

Below are listed 5 important points why every school needs to hire a security guard who is completely armed.

1. Vigilance and Prevention

Hiring security guards for the schools in necessary for not only keeping the serial killers and terrorists away, it is also essential to keep an alert vigilance over the school children as well. Having an armed security guard will also keep the bullies away and they would not dare to harm other children. Other forms of fighting can also prevent by this one step as the guards will be on alert to handle unfortunate situations.

These security guards are also trained to observe children with unusual and depressing behavior. Reporting such behavior early and informing the parents of such children who can pose a threat in the future can prevent many unfortunate incidents.

2.   First Aid and Help

School children are prone to accidents. The presence of security guards will ensure that they are given instant help and taken to the hospital after a fall or an accident in case no one else is around.

3.   Security Back-up

Usually, it is the teachers who can sense or observe the danger compared to the children. In situations like this, some teachers may not know what to do or may lose confidence to take instant actions. However, if an Armed Security Guard San Jose is there, they can always inform him and he can handle the situation expertly.

4.   Thorough Security Screening

Hiring security guards for the essential because they will be able to screen the entrances and also monitor the strangers visiting the school so no one can smuggle anything illegal or a weapon inside the premises. As an added security measure, it is important that the guards check the school children as well. As a security measure, armed security guards will check strangers before allowing them the entrance into the school premises.

5.   Comprehensive Monitoring With Devices

A professionally trained armed security guard is a necessity for today’s schools because they can aptly handle different security devices like CCTV cameras and security alarms. They can also prevent the mishandling of these devices and when needed, they are trained to utilize these tools in the best possible way.

In short, if you have your set of arguments against hiring security guards, especially the armed ones, then you should reconsider. There are more benefits of having armed security nearby compared to an unarmed one. With the violence against children increasing in the whole world, it is better to lay your doubts aside and give them the best security possible. After all, the right decision at the right time can save a lot of lives.